Thursday, May 22, 2008


When someone says I'm lucky, I correct them and say I'm blessed. I'm blessed with a great family, a great income, a great life. I could agree that I'm lucky, but that suggests a randomness to life. Like it's some sort of lottery everybody plays but only a few win. I'll agree only on the point that you cannot win if you don't play.

It has been said that luck is where preparation meets opportunity. You cannot take advantage of opportunities if you aren't prepared. So, I'm preparing everyday for an opportunity that will surely come along. Opportunity is everywhere. 1 Peter 3:15 says "always be prepared..."

A couple of months ago Oprah had people running around the country giving away money, it always struck me that, when asked what they needed, most people didn't know. One family went so far as to complain that the money that was spent on them could've been spent better. Excuse me? You were asked what you needed and you didn't know, the opportunity was there for a short time, the money HAD to be spent and you were not prepared with an answer, so while you were complaining that you got nothing worthwhile, you did get exactly what you asked for.

I'm thinking everyday about the things I need. What I need in my family, in my home, in my ministry, in my business, in my heart. I have only recently expanded this thought process throughout my entire life. I have always been very decisive about the things that are important to me, I've expanded my arena of importance. My husband will tell you that I've been decisive about my wants since the day he met me. I do not want what I do not want, and we've driven around many a town getting me what I want. While it is on one hand annoying that I won't compromise, he's in awe of my dedication to getting what I want when I really want it.

I will "always be prepared to give an answer...." no matter the question, and when opportunity comes I will be blessed.

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